Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Do We Have to Close the Hospitals?

Columbian High Court: Catholic Hospitals Must Provide Abortions!!!

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Colombian high court rules Catholic hospitals must provide abortions October 28, 2009
Claiming that mothers “enjoy a right to decide, free from any pressure, coercion, urging, manipulation and, in general, any sort of inadmissible intervention, to terminate a pregnancy” when abortion is permitted by law, the Colombian Constitutional Court has ruled that all hospitals, whether secular or religious, must retain doctors who are willing to perform abortions. The court also ruled that Catholic schools must educate students about their “abortion rights”-- a ruling that Catholic officials vowed to disobey.
Following a request from the nation’s pro-life inspector general, the Council of State has temporarily put the ruling on hold.
Since 2006, abortion has been legal in Colombia in the cases of rape, incest, certain birth defects, and threats to the mother’s life or health.
Source(s): these links will take you to other sites, in a new window.
Center Praises Momentous Decision in Abortion Case in Colombia (Center for Reproductive Rights)
Catholic officials protest court ruling to teach about abortion rights (CNS)
Colombia's Council of State suspends regulations permitting abortion (CNA)
Abortion under attack (Colombia Reports)
State Council suspends abortion decree (Colombia Reports)

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Posted by: hartwood - Today 1:19 PM ET USA
no recourse but to close all Catholic hospitals there,what a travesty!

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