Sunday, November 8, 2009

Conservation in the Community-The Tools and Property of the Monastery

Chapter 32: On the Tools and Property of the Monastery
Mar. 10 - July 10 - Nov. 9
For the care of the monastery's property in tools, clothing and other articles let the Abbess appoint sisters on whose manner of life and character she can rely; and let her, as she shall judge to be expedient, consign the various articles to them, to be looked after and to be collected again. The Abbess shall keep a list of these articles, so that as the sisters succeed one another in their assignments she may know what she gives and what she receives back.

If anyone treats the monastery's property in a slovenly or careless way, let her be corrected. If she fails to amend, let her undergo the discipline of the Rule.


First, let's agree on the basic fact that all Creation belongs to His Majesty. He created it, keeps it in existence and, in the case of sentient beings, will be the Ultimate Judge of our use of it.

Second, that we are merely stewards of God's creation and not the owners of anything. Things in our sphere of influence we temporarily have the use of by God's Bounty.

Third, at the JUDGMENT (our own personal or the general) God will require an account of not only our every word, of how we treated others (practiced charity -- Matt 12: 36), but there will also be an accounting of how well we took care of His "stuff". See the similarity of returning things to the Abbot/less or Cellarer here? Except, of course, for the scope and the consequences of our judgment!

Two old sayings, the first by a tobacco chewing foreman on a dairy farm about 50 years: "Wantin' ain't needin' "; The other by an old Captain of ships in Maine, "Use it up or wear it out; make it do or do without." Both of these wise souls had the right idea about excessive, needless consumerism as far as I'm concerned. But that's a hard sell in a country where there is too much of everything. Where TV shopping channels build vast commercial empires by PUSHING consumerism.

A missionary once told me that a great many of the souls he served in India had never seen a bar of soap in their entire lives. Wouldn't know one if they saw one! There were many who were born, lived a long hard life and then died never having had a roof over their head for one moment.

Want to make a difference. It's pretty simple and you don't have to join the Peace Corp to accomplish it. Turn the water off in the sink while you brush your teeth. If you already do, let me congratulate you! Do you let clean water run from the tap while you are washing dishes instead of only when you are rinsing dishes? Millions of people waste thousands of gallons of potable water every day doing this out of habit. How about the "porcelain throne".... a very personal issue I know but do we really have to flush every single time if there is no solid waste .... okay 'nuf said on that subject.

Millions of souls go to sleep without food or water every night. Will the water you save help them? Probably not, directly. But you won't be guilty of wasting God's water, either. And, you will be contributing your effort to solving the problem. If we all contribute a little bit it will begin to add up. Who knows what affect we can make with something so simple. You know the oceans are composed of DROPS of water.

Most of us have way too much "stuff" already and a some of us spend
most of our time trying to get even more! Jesus asks,"Why build up treasure where thieves break in and steal. Rather build up treasure in your Father's kingdom." Being a faithful steward can build up heavenly treasure.

If you start in small ways and make it a habit, you will begin to discover more ways to conserve. How many sheets of paper do we throw away because of a single mistake at the top of the sheet? How much food do we waste or throw out without a thought? Do we plan trips to the stores where we shop so we don't waste more gas than necessary? It will save you time as well as gas! I worked around 18 wheelers for years and have always tried to persuade drivers to turn off their rigs rather than let them idle for HOURS. If we are truly God's people we must be aware of the unconscionable waste of resources we participate in every day.

Once while washing dishes I used the last drops of my bottle of Dawn,
closed the cap and set it aside to recycle after the dishes were finished. Since my hand were slippery I propped the bottle upside down in a corner of the counter and went about washing the dishes and cleaning the sink. Later when I went to recycle the empty bottle of Dawn I found that enough dish soap to wash two more loads had drained into the neck of what had looked like a totally empty bottle! And after that, you can run hot water into the empty bottle itself, shake it up and get enough soapy water to do few more cups or plates. If you haven't tried it, Beloveds, please do so. What a simple yet wonderfully effective way to conserve.

Please, don't waste HIS stuff! He will be asking for an accounting one of these days!

Our main function as Oblates is to pray for a world that has refused to pray for itself. (Fr. Denis Robinson, OSB, Rector, St. Meinrad School of Theology.)

To love is to labor, to detach and strip oneself for God's sake, of all that is not God. (SJC)

Much love and Many Prayers.....

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