Thursday, August 6, 2009

My Apologies

I keep falling behind on these novenas, so I decided to publish Days 4-9 together for the St. Clare one. I'm often tired, busy, very disorganized, or some combination of all 3. Today I was all 3.

I've been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder and was reading an email for a network I joined about it and was laughing at everyone else's posts on their experiences with ADD. I think this is the main source of my lack of organization-even though the large amount of stuff in my room and my being tired and busy are major factors.

I had to pull myself away from that site to get back to my blog.

I laughed at quite a few of the others' posts on that site and found I did a lot of things they did. I even posted that I found the milk on the dining room table-and my purse in the refrigerator. I could have had to dispose of spoiled milk-but the important thing is that I'm in a state of grace!

Sometimes an adult like me and a bunch of little kids running around after Mass can liven things up. And we have a friendly priest who always seems to be in a good mood and some very interesting theological and political discussions. (Let's hope we can have affordable healthcare without the abortions and fetal stem cells as part of the package.)

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