Monday, August 31, 2009

Prayer Requests

A friend of mine, her daughter, and I can all use some prayers. Of course, we've always been in need of prayer-but we really need it now. About a week ago my friend and her daughter lost one of their dogs when both of them got out. And one of them, Sabrina, never came back, but they got Isabella back right away.

And I'm worried about getting to Mass Sunday. My usual ride will be back Sunday and able to take me; that's not the problem. The problem is I'm "grounded". Where I live I have a room of my own as well as a landline (same number that I had at my apartment), my own Internet service, and a full bath.

But I live where they have a lot of rules and they deal with different infractions by placing us on restriction which means I can't go any where except for some things-such as doctor appointments-as long as they're not with the Great Physician-God Himself. They use to allow us to go to church while on restriction, but that didn't work out too well. Some of the women who went to church brought home notes from their pastors on church letter heads but came home drunk any way.

The reason I'm on restriction is that one of the staff members went to my room to talk to me Saturday and saw what a mess it was. Today I'm on restriction-not as a disciplinary measure-but as a way to get me to stay home and clean it, which I try to anyway. When someone leaves while on restriction without permission or fails to produce any paperwork showing that they only did what they were given permission to do-they're automatically evicted. Some people die rather than to follow someone's orders not to do what the Lord wants them to do-they're called martyrs, and they do no time in Purgatory. Here I'm not facing the death penalty for walking out the door and going to church Sunday morning; the worst they could do is evict me which is a pretty messy situation as it is.

So anyway, I want my friend and her daughter to get Sabrina back and to be able to make it to the Latin Mass Sunday. That's why I need prayers. I don't want to have to lose my place to avoid committing a mortal sin-or even a venial one-this Sunday.

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