Monday, August 17, 2009

Take It to Jesus...And to Mary

Father said a Mass Saturday night which was the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. He said we should "take it to Mary." I should try to remember this when something starts to trouble me.

When he said that it reminded me of when I was upset and crying over a job that caused me a lot of stress. A lady stopped by to check on me that night and I told her about the job. She said "Take it to Jesus." That immediately identified her as a Christian. I like a lot of Protestants for their enthusiasm about Jesus being our Lord and Savior.

But a few months after I got "saved" or "born again" or whatever they call it when I was 16 years old I had a sense that I was to stay Catholic and become even more involved with the church than I was before. My family and I then enrolled in the parish where I had been attending Mass for 3 years with my aunt and her family.

After this "born again" experience I wanted to become Protestant, but I knew my dad wouldn't let me. So I decided I'll continue to go to Mass until I was 18 and then visit different Protestant churches to decide which one I liked the best. But since I got this call from God to stay Catholic that's what I decided to do. I took a catechism with the assistant pastor from the parish, received my First Communion and Confirmation after I completed my instructions. I was very happy to do this and I was sad that I didn't get the Catholic education that this aunt gave her kids from grades 1-12. Even an education in a Catholic school from grades 1-8 would be a good education if I didn't go to Catholic high school like her kids.

After hearing Father say "Take it to Mary" now I think I'm better able to get the help I need with these upsets than my Protestant brothers and sisters. Mary is the Co-Redeemptrix or Mediatrix. Jesus is the Redeemer but we need to go to her too in order to go to Him.

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