Tuesday, August 4, 2009

STOP the Abortion Mandate!

I picked this up as I walked into the church before Mass and it has a very urgent message. And it doesn't have a copyright-only a message I feel I need to pass on to protect the unborn as well as our right and duty not to support such a violation of the baby's right to live.



Prevent Washington, DC Bureaucrats And Abortion Industry Lobbyists from Forcing YOU to Pay for Abortions

What's at stake right now:

*The current health care reform proposals, if enacted, would result in the BIGGEST EXPANSION OF ABORTION since the Roe V. Wade Supreme Court decision imposed abortion in 1973.

*Washington, DC bureaucrats and abortion industry lobbyists are trying to force YOU to pay for abortions through your tax dollars as part of their proposed trillion-dollar healthcare takeover-even though recent polls show that 71% of Americans oppose taxpayer-funded abortion.

*This political power-grab is an effort to implement one of the cornerstones of the "Freedom of Choice Act" (FOCA), and could lead to a massive taxpayer-subsidized abortion industry bailout-something that American families do not support and cannot afford in these tough economic times.

*Under the proposed healthcare takeover, virtually every American would be forced into a health plan that mandates abortion coverage; if the healthcare reform law does not clearly state that abortion is excluded, abortion automatically becomes a minimum required benefit.

*Elected officials must include language to explicitly (italics mine) exclude abortion from any healthcare reform proposal or bill-keep abortion out of healthcare!

What YOU can do about it:

1. Pray

2. E-mail & write letters to your Representative and two Senators at:

3. Call the Washington office and the local office of your Representative and two Senators; instructions at: http://www.StopTheAbortionMandate.com/call

4. Spread the word! Distribute the flyer (which I copied this from) to everyone you know and use Facebook, Twitter, and e-mail samples at: http://www.StopTheAbortionMandate.com/share

5. Write a Letter to the Editor of your local newspaper using samples at: http://www.StopTheAbortionMandate.com/editor


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