Monday, August 31, 2009

Prayer Requests

A friend of mine, her daughter, and I can all use some prayers. Of course, we've always been in need of prayer-but we really need it now. About a week ago my friend and her daughter lost one of their dogs when both of them got out. And one of them, Sabrina, never came back, but they got Isabella back right away.

And I'm worried about getting to Mass Sunday. My usual ride will be back Sunday and able to take me; that's not the problem. The problem is I'm "grounded". Where I live I have a room of my own as well as a landline (same number that I had at my apartment), my own Internet service, and a full bath.

But I live where they have a lot of rules and they deal with different infractions by placing us on restriction which means I can't go any where except for some things-such as doctor appointments-as long as they're not with the Great Physician-God Himself. They use to allow us to go to church while on restriction, but that didn't work out too well. Some of the women who went to church brought home notes from their pastors on church letter heads but came home drunk any way.

The reason I'm on restriction is that one of the staff members went to my room to talk to me Saturday and saw what a mess it was. Today I'm on restriction-not as a disciplinary measure-but as a way to get me to stay home and clean it, which I try to anyway. When someone leaves while on restriction without permission or fails to produce any paperwork showing that they only did what they were given permission to do-they're automatically evicted. Some people die rather than to follow someone's orders not to do what the Lord wants them to do-they're called martyrs, and they do no time in Purgatory. Here I'm not facing the death penalty for walking out the door and going to church Sunday morning; the worst they could do is evict me which is a pretty messy situation as it is.

So anyway, I want my friend and her daughter to get Sabrina back and to be able to make it to the Latin Mass Sunday. That's why I need prayers. I don't want to have to lose my place to avoid committing a mortal sin-or even a venial one-this Sunday.

Sunday, August 30, 2009


We had a different priest say the Latin Mass yesterday morning. The one we usually have is on retreat.

The priest we had this time talked about being gratitude. He also said that there's a restaurant in Michigan he stops at on the way to "my native Canada." I've known for a long time that the Canadians' Thanksgiving is held in October-not November. Must be wonderful being a Canadian living in the United States-getting to celebrate Thanksgiving twice! I had that pleasure one year. I was going with a man who lived with a Canadian citizen. I was invited over to their house for Thanksgiving twice-both in October and in November. It was awesome! In fact the food the Canadian's wife fixed in October was the same as what we have in November in the US.

My friends in AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) refer to November as Gratitude Month and say that the Canadians' Gratitude Month is October.

What a wonderful thing to have 61 days dedicated to being grateful!

Many times I'm not grateful enough-and complain about things not going my way-instead of being grateful for the good things.

I'm grateful today that I have a room to retreat to with a full bath and a phone (same number I had in my apartment) without people constantly banging on my door all hours of the day and night-regardless of what I'm doing trying to get money out of me for cigarettes-or at least a can of pop-as if I were responsible for feeding their addictions.

I'm glad that I can spend some time here praying at different times without having to constantly being distracted by noise or being dragged out of my "prayer closet" to see what anyone wants. I think this really helps me spend time with the Lord-and His Mother-when things are quiet most of the time-or that the noise out in the hall is not there to get me to do anything for anyone-it's just there.

I'm grateful that there are plenty of dogs and cats I can visit and pet. We can't have a dog or cat at the place I live, but we can have pet fish in our rooms-and I have a couple of them. I have a friend who has dogs and cats at her house. I get to go over there and pet them.
Actually, there's just ONE dog at her house-she called me to tell me the other one is missing and to tell me to have EVERYONE I know pray for the other one to come back.

I'm not exactly rich or the healthiest person around-but
others have it worse than me. Of course this is not good that people are so sick and poor-they do need our help.

And I'm grateful today that Jesus and Mary love me and want me to be in Heaven with them.
In fact the ONE thing that Father says matters the most-that no matter what else happens to him is that he is in a state of grace!

I guess I haven't been thinking about that very much before attending the Latin Mass as much as I've been admiring the Protestants for their love of Jesus. But thinking of what Father says sometimes helps me to keep my sanity about even things that seem catastrophic-such as my rent check bouncing on me in July.

I've been very grateful that someone did the Heimleich maneuver on me and saved me from choking to death on a tiny bran flake. The feeling of gratitude I have about being alive-in the physical sense-reminds me of how I need to be grateful to Jesus for saving my soul-so I can go to Heaven when I finally have to leave this earth. But the sanctifying grace given by Jesus is far more important than anything that can be done by any man, woman, or child to keep me breathing so I can still be with them on Earth.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Evil=The Absence of Good, Part II

Hey, I just found the notes I had taken during Father's homily last Sunday! I'm really happy since there were some good things in the notes which I had forgotten. And I don't want to "put words in his mouth" as my dad used to say.

Father did say last Sunday that evil is the absence of good-NOT ANYTHING CREATED-and compared it to darkness being the absence of light.

Father talked about the problem that agnostics and atheists have in believing in God. They have a difficult time in understanding how all this evil is going on in the world if we have such a good God. I used to have difficulty understanding too-even if I did believe in God at the time.
These nonbelievers told me the same thing and at first I didn't know what to say. But Father did an excellent job of outlining the reasons evil exists.

God doesn't create evil; but He allows it for several reasons:
1) Moral evil is allowed so we can have free will; free will leads to true love of the Lord.
2) Physical evil can be an illness or disability-such as the absence of hearing-which can lead to God's greater good. For example God could either take someone who is deaf and give him the ability to hear-or maybe He may use the lack of hearing in some other way. (Reminds me of Jesus healing the man who was born blind, but the absence of sight or hearing could be a person's "cross" for them to bear.)
3) Evil can be a punishment for sin-such as the plagues the Egyptians were subjected to when Pharaoh hardened his heart against the Jews and used them as slaves.
4) Evil can be used to sanctify the good. Father gave the book of Job as an example of this. Job was a virtuous man whom God allowed Satan to tempt. God told Satan he could do whatever he wanted to do with Job-"except you cannot kill him." He lost his health, his wife and 10 children, his livestock, and everything else. But he was given twice as many animals and 10 more children.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Evil=The Absence of Good

Last Sunday Father talked about good and evil in his homily. He said that evil is the absence of good and said it's like darkness being the absence of light. You flip the switch after walking into a dark room and you have light. And you flip the switch again and you remove the light-you have darkness again.

What a concept! Everything was good until Lucifer-a.k.a. Satan-decided he wanted to take charge and rebel instead of being faithful to God. And other angels decided to take his side instead of God's. So by being disobedient to God these fallen angels rejected good and chose evil. Of course, God wasn't-and still isn't-going to tolerate this lack of goodness in Heaven, so He had to throw them out of Heaven.

So He and St. Michael the Archangel went to work and got those devils out of Heaven and sent them off to Hell-a "place" that was made just for them.

Earth was perfect too, when Adam and Eve were created and they were perfectly happy. But they were tempted by Satan disguised as a serpent. The serpent asked Eve if God told her not to eat from any tree in the garden. She replied that she had been told she and Adam may eat from any tree in the garden-except for one. That was the one in the center of the garden-they were even told not to touch it. She said if she or Adam touched it they would die.

But the serpent told Eve that she wouldn't die if she ate the fruit of the tree; she would become like God and have knowledge of good and evil like Him. She tasted the fruit and it tasted good. And she gave some to Adam who ate it too. Then they found out they were naked and made clothes out of fig leaves. Then they were thrown out of the garden and had to suffer and die and everyone else had to suffer and die because of the sin they committed-what is known as Original Sin.

In fact the only two people who never had Original Sin on their souls were Jesus and His Mother Mary. Even John the Baptist had Original Sin in his soul while in the womb, but it was replaced by sanctifying grace when Mary arrived at the home of Elizabeth and Zechariah. Something was given to John while in the womb-sanctifying grace. Everyone else has to be baptized to be given sanctifying grace. And I've been thinking of baptism and the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) as ways of removing sin as well as giving grace.

I noticed that when I took Latin in high school that sine, the word for "without" was spelled almost like "sin" except there was an "e" at the end. And in college when I took Spanish, sin, their word for "without" was spelled exactly like our word "sin." I also heard that the word "sin" means to miss the mark. I feel that I've missed the mark in many ways and need to ask-and allow-God to give me grace and whatever help He'll give me to be on the "mark."

And I've been accustomed to thinking that evil things were being added, such as communicable diseases (via the addition of bacteria or viruses), neighbors who make too much noise or knock on the door too often or at the wrong time, automobile accidents, violence, you name it.

We (myself included) ought to accept the good that Jesus and Mary have to offer us instead of all these bad things that seem to be "added" to our lives. God didn't create evil, but He does use it to test and strengthen us.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Take It to Jesus...And to Mary

Father said a Mass Saturday night which was the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. He said we should "take it to Mary." I should try to remember this when something starts to trouble me.

When he said that it reminded me of when I was upset and crying over a job that caused me a lot of stress. A lady stopped by to check on me that night and I told her about the job. She said "Take it to Jesus." That immediately identified her as a Christian. I like a lot of Protestants for their enthusiasm about Jesus being our Lord and Savior.

But a few months after I got "saved" or "born again" or whatever they call it when I was 16 years old I had a sense that I was to stay Catholic and become even more involved with the church than I was before. My family and I then enrolled in the parish where I had been attending Mass for 3 years with my aunt and her family.

After this "born again" experience I wanted to become Protestant, but I knew my dad wouldn't let me. So I decided I'll continue to go to Mass until I was 18 and then visit different Protestant churches to decide which one I liked the best. But since I got this call from God to stay Catholic that's what I decided to do. I took a catechism with the assistant pastor from the parish, received my First Communion and Confirmation after I completed my instructions. I was very happy to do this and I was sad that I didn't get the Catholic education that this aunt gave her kids from grades 1-12. Even an education in a Catholic school from grades 1-8 would be a good education if I didn't go to Catholic high school like her kids.

After hearing Father say "Take it to Mary" now I think I'm better able to get the help I need with these upsets than my Protestant brothers and sisters. Mary is the Co-Redeemptrix or Mediatrix. Jesus is the Redeemer but we need to go to her too in order to go to Him.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

A couple weeks ago
a lady showed me Psalm 139. It reminds me very much of the sacredness of life-and the baby's right to live.

For it was you (italics mine) who formed my inmost parts;
You knit me together in my mother's womb.

I praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

Wonderful are your works;
That I know very well.

My frame was not hidden from you,
When I was being made in secret,
Intricately woven in the depths of the earth.

Your eyes beheld my unformed substance.
In your book were written all the days that were formed for me,
When none of them as yet existed.

How weighty are your thoughts, O God!
How vast is the sum of them!
I try to count them-they are more than the sand;
I come to the end-I am still with you.

O that you would kill the wicked O God,
And that the bloodthirsty would depart from me,
Those who speak of you maliciously,
And lift themselves against you for evil!

Do I not hate those who hate you, O Lord?
And do I loathe those who rise up against you?
I hate them with perfect hatred;
I count them my enemies.

Search me, O God, and know my heart;
Test me and know my thoughts.
See if there is any wicked way in me,
And lead me in the way everlasting.

Taken from Psalms 139:13-24 New Revised Standard Version.
Note: I took the "liberty" of breaking some of the sentences into shorter lines and capitalizing them. A psalm is like a song or a poem. As long as the lines were I decided to do this to make it look like a poem rather than a bunch of long sentences like prose.

I used to write poetry in high school and have been doing this quite a bit.

My Apologies

I keep falling behind on these novenas, so I decided to publish Days 4-9 together for the St. Clare one. I'm often tired, busy, very disorganized, or some combination of all 3. Today I was all 3.

I've been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder and was reading an email for a network I joined about it and was laughing at everyone else's posts on their experiences with ADD. I think this is the main source of my lack of organization-even though the large amount of stuff in my room and my being tired and busy are major factors.

I had to pull myself away from that site to get back to my blog.

I laughed at quite a few of the others' posts on that site and found I did a lot of things they did. I even posted that I found the milk on the dining room table-and my purse in the refrigerator. I could have had to dispose of spoiled milk-but the important thing is that I'm in a state of grace!

Sometimes an adult like me and a bunch of little kids running around after Mass can liven things up. And we have a friendly priest who always seems to be in a good mood and some very interesting theological and political discussions. (Let's hope we can have affordable healthcare without the abortions and fetal stem cells as part of the package.)

Novena to St Clare-Days 4-9

Fourth Day:
O most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we praise Thy Holy Name and the wonders of grace Thou hast worked in Thy servant, Saint Clare. Through her powerful intercession grant us the favours we beg in this novena, above all the grace to live and die as she did in Thy most Holy Love. Amen.

Blessed Saint Clare, whose very name means light, illumine the darkness of our minds and hearts so that we might see what God wishes us to do and perform it with a willing and joyful heart. Before your birth, a Heavenly voice foretold that you would be a light illuminating the world. Be a light to us in the sorrows and anxieties of this earthly life, and lead us into the eternal light of our home in Heaven. Amen.

V. Pray for us, Saint Clare.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us Pray. We Pray Thee, Lord, Grant us Thy servants who celebrate the festival of blessed Clare Thy Virgin, by her intercession, to be partakers of the joys of heaven and coheirs with Thine only-begotten Son, Who being God, lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen.

Fifth Day:
O most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we praise Thy Holy Name and the wonders of grace Thou hast worked in Thy servant, Saint Clare. Through her powerful intercession grant us the favours we beg in this novena, above all the grace to live and die as she did in Thy most Holy Love. Amen.

O Seraphic Saint Clare, whose virginal heart was great enough to love the whole world, take our petitions into your pure hands and present them to God. Pray for us that we may one day enter joyously before the throne of God. Let the light of your perfect purity consume the shadows of sin and corruption that darkens the world. Intercede by your innocence for our youth. Safeguard the peace of our homes and the unity of our family. Plead with your chaste love for all in peril. Amen.

V. Pray for us, Saint Clare.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us Pray. We Pray Thee, Lord, Grant us Thy servants who celebrate the festival of blessed Clare Thy Virgin, by her intercession, to be partakers of the joys of heaven and coheirs with Thine only-begotten Son, Who being God, lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen.

Sixth Day:
O most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we praise Thy Holy Name and the wonders of grace Thou hast worked in Thy servant, Saint Clare. Through her powerful intercession grant us the favours we beg in this novena, above all the grace to live and die as she did in Thy most Holy Love. Amen.

Generous Saint Clare, who left wealth and pleasure and all earthly goods to become the first spiritual daughter of Saint Francis and to serve God in the cloister, help us to commit our lives to God without limit or measure so that He may live in us and shine forth from us to all whose lives touch ours. You who loved souls so much as to make your life a continual sacrifice for them, obtain for us the graces we now implore and win for us the strength to praise God in suffering as well as in joy. Amen.

V. Pray for us, Saint Clare.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us Pray. We Pray Thee, Lord, Grant us Thy servants who celebrate the festival of blessed Clare Thy Virgin, by her intercession, to be partakers of the joys of heaven and coheirs with Thine only-begotten Son, Who being God, lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen.

Seventh Day:
O most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we praise Thy Holy Name and the wonders of grace Thou hast worked in Thy servant, Saint Clare. Through her powerful intercession grant us the favours we beg in this novena, above all the grace to live and die as she did in Thy most Holy Love. Amen.

Faithful Saint Clare, loyal daughter of the Church, friend and confidante of popes, intercede for the holy Church and look graciously from Heaven on our holy Father Pope. Enlighten us to remove from our souls all that hinders the progress of the Church on earth. Grant that we may share your great love for the church of God and spread His kingdom on earth by a holy life. You, who worked miracles in the presence of the pope on earth, obtain for us the graces we need, now that you stand in the presence of the most high God in Heaven. Amen.

V. Pray for us, Saint Clare.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us Pray. We Pray Thee, Lord, Grant us Thy servants who celebrate the festival of blessed Clare Thy Virgin, by her intercession, to be partakers of the joys of heaven and coheirs with Thine only-begotten Son, Who being God, lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen.

Eighth Day:
O most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we praise Thy Holy Name and the wonders of grace Thou hast worked in Thy servant, Saint Clare. Through her powerful intercession grant us the favours we beg in this novena, above all the grace to live and die as she did in Thy most Holy Love. Amen.

Valiant Saint Clare, who fearlessly stood alone against the barbarous Saracens, trusting in the Blessed Sacrament as your only protection, enkindle in us a tender love for Jesus Christ; help us to live Eucharistic lives. You who saved your city of Assisi from plunder and ruin, protect our city and archdiocese, plead for our beloved country and the suffering world. A voice from the Sacred Host rewarded your trust with a promise: "I will always take care of you." Glorious Saint Clare, from your high place in Heaven, take care of us now in our earthly needs and guide us by your light to Heaven. Amen.

V. Pray for us, Saint Clare.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us Pray. We Pray Thee, Lord, Grant us Thy servants who celebrate the festival of blessed Clare Thy Virgin, by her intercession, to be partakers of the joys of heaven and coheirs with Thine only-begotten Son, Who being God, lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen.

Ninth Day:
O most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we praise Thy Holy Name and the wonders of grace Thou hast worked in Thy servant, Saint Clare. Through her powerful intercession grant us the favours we beg in this novena, above all the grace to live and die as she did in Thy most Holy Love. Amen.

Gracious Saint Clare, who fulfilled your womanhood by a life of love in prayer and penance, help us to fulfill our destiny that we may one day greet you in Heaven. You who were consoled at your death by a vision of Christ band His Mother, obtain for us the grace that we may die under the special protection of God and enter into the life and bliss you now enjoy. Have pity on us who struggle, on us who mourn, and win for us the favours of God so that after this life we may come home to Him who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen.

V. Pray for us, Saint Clare.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us Pray. We Pray Thee, Lord, Grant us Thy servants who celebrate the festival of blessed Clare Thy Virgin, by her intercession, to be partakers of the joys of heaven and coheirs with Thine only-begotten Son, Who being God, lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen.

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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Abortion Protest-August 16-22

In one of the Google Ads on the right side of my blog there was one about a protest against abortion in New York. It is called "Oh Saratoga 09."

You may visit them at

I'd like to go if anyone from my area is going and can take me. Unfortunately, I don't have much money, but I'll at least try to pitch in for the gas.

Novena to St Clare-Day 3

Third Day:
O most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we praise Thy Holy Name and the wonders of grace Thou hast worked in Thy servant, Saint Clare. Through her powerful intercession grant us the favours we beg in this novena, above all the grace to live and die as she did in Thy most Holy Love. Amen.

O Seraphic Saint Clare, light of your country, who hast delivered Italy from barbarous invaders; obtain from God for us the grace we implore (mention your intentions here), that of overcoming all attacks of the world against faith and morals thus preserving in our families true Christian peace with a holy fear of God and a devotion to the Blessed Sacrament. Amen.

V. Pray for us, Saint Clare.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us Pray. We Pray Thee, Lord, Grant us Thy servants who celebrate the festival of blessed Clare Thy Virgin, by her intercession, to be partakers of the joys of heaven and coheirs with Thine only-begotten Son, Who being God, lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen.

STOP the Abortion Mandate!

I picked this up as I walked into the church before Mass and it has a very urgent message. And it doesn't have a copyright-only a message I feel I need to pass on to protect the unborn as well as our right and duty not to support such a violation of the baby's right to live.



Prevent Washington, DC Bureaucrats And Abortion Industry Lobbyists from Forcing YOU to Pay for Abortions

What's at stake right now:

*The current health care reform proposals, if enacted, would result in the BIGGEST EXPANSION OF ABORTION since the Roe V. Wade Supreme Court decision imposed abortion in 1973.

*Washington, DC bureaucrats and abortion industry lobbyists are trying to force YOU to pay for abortions through your tax dollars as part of their proposed trillion-dollar healthcare takeover-even though recent polls show that 71% of Americans oppose taxpayer-funded abortion.

*This political power-grab is an effort to implement one of the cornerstones of the "Freedom of Choice Act" (FOCA), and could lead to a massive taxpayer-subsidized abortion industry bailout-something that American families do not support and cannot afford in these tough economic times.

*Under the proposed healthcare takeover, virtually every American would be forced into a health plan that mandates abortion coverage; if the healthcare reform law does not clearly state that abortion is excluded, abortion automatically becomes a minimum required benefit.

*Elected officials must include language to explicitly (italics mine) exclude abortion from any healthcare reform proposal or bill-keep abortion out of healthcare!

What YOU can do about it:

1. Pray

2. E-mail & write letters to your Representative and two Senators at:

3. Call the Washington office and the local office of your Representative and two Senators; instructions at:

4. Spread the word! Distribute the flyer (which I copied this from) to everyone you know and use Facebook, Twitter, and e-mail samples at:

5. Write a Letter to the Editor of your local newspaper using samples at:

Monday, August 3, 2009

Novena to St Clare-Day 2

Second Day: O most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we praise Thy Holy Name and the wonders of grace Thou hast worked in Thy servant, Saint Clare. Through her powerful intercession grant us the favours we beg in this novena, above all the grace to live and die as she did in Thy most Holy Love. Amen. O Seraphic Saint Clare who, notwithstanding living separated from the world hast not forgotten the poor and the afflicted, but hast become a mother to them, sacrificing for them your riches and working for them innumerable miracles; obtain from God for us the grace we implore (mention your intentions here), Christian charity towards our brethren in all their spiritual and temporal needs. Amen. V. Pray for us, Saint Clare. R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Let us Pray. We Pray Thee, Lord, Grant us Thy servants who celebrate the festival of blessed Clare Thy Virgin, by her intercession, to be partakers of the joys of heaven and coheirs with Thine only-begotten Son, Who being God, lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Novena to St. Clare-Day 1

Author: Matthew
•8:26 AM

Say once a day for nine days, especially beginning on 2 August and ending on 10 August, the eve of the Feast of St. Clare.

First Day:
O most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we praise Thy Holy Name and the wonders of grace Thou hast worked in Thy servant, Saint Clare. Through her powerful intercession grant us the favours we beg in this novena, above all the grace to live and die as she did in Thy most Holy Love. Amen.

O Seraphic Saint Clare, first disciple of the Poor Man of Assisi, who hast abandoned all riches and honours for a life of sacrifice and of highest poverty, obtain from God for us the grace we ask (mention your intentions here), that of always submitting to the Divine Will and of living confidently in the providence of our Heavenly Father. Amen.

V. Pray for us, Saint Clare.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us Pray. We Pray Thee, Lord, Grant us Thy servants who celebrate the festival of blessed Clare Thy Virgin, by her intercession, to be partakers of the joys of heaven and coheirs with Thine only-begotten Son, Who being God, lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Be A Saint!

I've been browsing around on eBay to find more missals and other books to sell to the people at the Latin Mass and and at our parish's next yard sale.

I love what one seller has on the page with the description of the item he/she's trying to sell. This person prays for anyone who buys at least one item from him/her and wants to be kept in our prayers.

The paragraph ends with "....the only tragedy in life is not to have become a saint."

How true. It reminds me of something Father says that the thing that matters most is that one is in a state of grace. This matters even more than if you have food in the house-or whether you're dead or alive.

In fact Father did tell us in one of his homilies that one mother said to her sons, "As much as I would hate to see you dead, I'd rather you die and be in a state of grace than to be alive and in mortal sin."

And some people have been murdered for going along with what the Lord wants of them rather than to commit some sin so that they could live (in the physical sense.) These people have been rewarded for losing their lives for their obedience to God-no time in Purgatory-straight to Heaven! These are the martyrs.

I've read about how and why some of them have been killed-many have even been killed for refusing to commit a mortal sin.

A friend of mine started a group on Facebook about St. Maria Goretti, who went to Heaven at age 11. Some young man wanted to make her give up her virginity and murdered her because she refused. The Lord miraculously kept her alive for 24 hours while she prayed for the man and witnessed to him about the Lord. Eventually he repented and talked about how the young Saint had helped him come closer to the Lord.

Sure other things matter. I was very unhappy about the check for my rent bouncing-but this is better than being in a state of mortal sin. Hearing Father's words about a state of grace being what really matters was a real comfort to me. When I saw him last Saturday night at the mostaccioli dinner, I told him about how I thought of his words about being in a state of grace. I told him that if I didn't hear him talking about a state of grace like that I probably would have had a "nervous breakdown" over the bad check. True, overdrafts like that also need to be taken seriously.

But like everything else on this earth even bad checks don't "hold a candle" to mortal sin.

Journal of a Blog Newbie?

This is the first blog I've had that I've been posting to regularly, unless you count a journal I had on AIM (AOL Instant Messenger) for a while until AOL did something with that account.

Anyway, the point is is that I'm a little new to this blogging, nothing against AOL (I still use it), but I'm still learning how to use Blogspot.

I tried to cut corners a little bit by copying and pasting the opening prayer of the Novena to St Anthony to several posts and posting one each day after adding the prayer for each day.

But since these posts have the same date, they're posted one right after another, so all of them will appear before the article about the baby torn from its mother's womb.

So that's why that article stayed on top even though I've been adding days to the Novena, and maybe it might be easier to find it.

