Monday, July 27, 2009

Urgent Notice

As many of you know, we have a so-called "pro-choice" President who wants health care reform.

We have received a note in our church bulletin about how we can take action and let our US Senators and Representatives know that's unacceptable. You may go to and click "email to Congress."

Those who don't have Internet access may call the US Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121 and leave a brief message.

Father talked about both abortion and euthanasia in his homily. This euthanasia would include the killing of elderly people. Also if enough of us don't act, the government will also be able to dictate who gets medical care and who doesn't. Which means that someone may not be able to get it because of age, disability, or some other factor.

And I feel that we all have a right to live-from conception to natural death. This includes not just the right to be born but other things essential to life including proper nutrition and medical care.

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