Monday, July 13, 2009

The Week of the Brown Scapular

Father said he'll enroll people in the Brown Scapular after Mass next Sunday, July 19. This should be done at First Communion time, but many of us, myself included, slipped through the cracks and didn't enroll. Some converted to Caholicism and some received their First Communion during a time, like the Post-Vatican II church whose standards in the 1970's and '80's were lax.

Something like that happened to me when I made my 1rst Communion in 1976 at the age of 17. One of my aunts, my godmother, gave me a scapular shortly after that. And I wore it knowing nothing about the scapular enrollment until years later when I was 34 years old.

My parents were both cradle Catholics who had me baptized as a baby but were inactive during most of my childhood. I didn't start attending Mass until I was 13 and my godmother found out I wanted to go to church and I found out she was willing to take me.

Three years after I started going to Mass with my aunt, my parents and brother decided to go with me. The four of us joined the parish and my brother and I both prepared for my First Communion.

The feast day of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, who told St. Simon Stock about the Brown Scapular, is July 16. Unfortunately this feast day falls on a weekday and Father can't come up then to enroll the scapulars so he will do it next Sunday instead.

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